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Plum, Figs, Sweet Choclate

Peru - Flor del Valle ORGANIC 250g

Peru - Flor del Valle ORGANIC 250g

Regular price €18,85 EUR
Regular price Sale price €18,85 EUR
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Flavour notes: Plum, Figs, Sweet Choclate

Producer: Ylder Herrera

Origin: Lonya Grande, Amazonas

Cultivar: Bourbon, Costa Rica 95

Altitude: 1950-2000masl

Process: Washed

As a young, 29 year old farmer, Ylder Herrera has worked his way up to success. Not only does he produce exceptional coffee, but he is also the President of the Norcafe Cooperative in Cajamarca.
Besides his duties as the President, Ylder actively encourages other members to cultivate specialty coffee, sharing all the knowledge he has accumulated from his parents. As part of the cooperative’s micro-lot program, he continuously tries to implement new techniques for his washed coffee. Ylder was born in the Lonya Grande District, Department of Amazonas, in the middle of a family dedicated to producing high quality coffees. Ylder learned the techniques from his childhood. Later he went to study at the University of the International Business Career and then returned to dedicate himself to working with small producers in the place where he was born.With a lot of effort and sacrifice from all the families that made up Norcafé, they managed to export their first lots of specialty coffees to the United States in 2016. He has encouraged his fellow farmers to plant and culitvate specialty coffees and experimental varieties.

At his own farm ”Flor Del Valle” he grows fantastic coffees. He is applying both the knowledge that he has acquired from his parents but is also implementing new creative techniques for processing his washed coffees and for many years now he has consistently produced exceptional coffees. His farm, Flor del Valle, is located in the Lonya Grande region of the Amazonas, holding 2 hectares of planted coffee. At approximately 1900 masl, Ylder grows Costa Rica 95 and Caturra varieties.

The coffee is picked by hand, sorted  at the farm, pulped and left to ferment for 10 hours. After the fermentation the coffee is moved to drying tables in a poly tunnel where it is carefully turned several times per day for around 30 days.  
His farm’s overall production consists of around 35 bags annually. We are very excited to share this special coffee with you. It has notes of plum, figs and sweet delicious chocolate that we just love.

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